
A seismic monitoring network has recently been installed in the Karakol (Kyrgyzstan) area as part of the EMCA project. The network hase been operating since July 9, 2011 and it will continuously record until the end of September 2011. The network is composed of 17 sites equipped with either 1Hz (15 sites) or 60s (2 sites) sensors. In 5 sites, a strong motion sensor has been installed close to the velocity sensors.
Earthquakes recorded with this network will be used to characterize the spatial variability of local site amplification effects within the town of Karakol and in the neighboring area. Several single station noise measurements and three noise measurements in array configuration have also been performed, in order to characterize the spatial variability of the fundamental frequency of resonance (Nakamura technique) and to estimate the vertical shear-wave velocity profile from the inversion of the surface wave dispersion curves.
The field activities have also been supported by the GCO-Central Asia initiative of GFZ in collaboration with the MIIC and PROGRESS projects.

Seismic measurements in Karakol: temporary network (yellow triangles), single station noise measurements (cyan symbols) and noise array measurements (green circles).


Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
GFZ German Research
Centre for Geosciences

Mr. apl. Prof. Stefano Parolai
Helmholtzstraße 7
14467 Potsdam

Fon: +49 331 288-1290
